According to a reply provided by Science and Technology Minister Jitendra Singh in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, India has earned nearly 100 million USD (Rs 637.35 Crore) in revenue by launching 45 foreign satellites into space. ISRO has launched 45 foreign satellites from 19 countries till date and earned about 17 million USD and 78.5 million Euros (85 million USD).
Mr. Singh provided the revenue details earned by Antrix - the commercial arm of ISRO - from launching foreign satellites into orbit.
ISRO's space mission is ready grow further as 28 more foreign satellites are being planned for launch between 2015 and 2017. According to Mr. Singh, Antrix has signed the agreement with six countries namely Algeria, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore and the US, for these future launches.
The minister further informed the House that the government has given its sanction to build 15 smaller PSLV launchers during 2017-2020, worth Rs 3,090 crore.
He also elaborated on the 'initiation of chalking out a roadmap for the country’s space programme in addressing short-term and long-term areas.'
Talking about the SAARC satellite project - termed as 'gift' to our neighbouring countries by PM Narendra Modi - Singh said that the expenditure on the ground system of the undertaking will be borne by the member countries, while India will handle the costs of its building and launching.
“While the cost towards building and launching a satellite will be met by the government of India, the cost towards ground system is expected to be sourced by respective SAARC countries. The objective of this project is to develop a satellite for the SAARC region that enables a full range of services to all our neighbours in the areas of telecommunications and broadcasting applications like television, DTH, tele-education and disaster management,” he further elaborated.
(With inputs from PTI)
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